5 Health Benefits of Drinking Beer

stethoscope lying on a ekgIt’s a common assumption that beer is ’empty calories’ with no real nutritional or health benefits. In fact, some people believe that beer is actually bad for your health, contributing to obesity, heart disease and other related problems. The truth, however, is that beer, when consumed in moderation, offers a number of key health benefits. In this post, we’re going to reveal 5 of the tip health benefits of drinking beer.

Benefit #1) Reduces Chance of Kidney Stones

Drinking beer is known to significantly reduce the risk of kidney stones. This ‘theory has been around for quite some time, but the American Dietetic Association (ADA) recently did a study comparing a group of beer-drinking men to a group of non-beer drinking men. And what they discovered was that men who drank beer on a regular basis experienced reduced rates of kidney stones.

Benefit #2) Good For Your Heart

According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 600,000 people in the U.S. die from cardiovascular disease, making it the #1 killer. Well, drinking some foamy, frothy beery may lower your chance of developing heart disease. Scientists believe this is due to the beer’s affect to thin the blood, allowing to flow more easily through the body.

Benefit #3) Lowers Bad Cholesterol

A third benefit to drinking beer is that it lowers bad cholesterol levels. Numerous studies have found that individuals who drink beer in moderation experience lower levels of bad cholesterol, which of course encourages proper blood clotting and circulation. Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels is beneficial for a number of reason;  when there’s less cholesterol blocking your arteries, you’ll experience better circulation and reduced rates of cardiovascular disease (as mentioned above).

Benefit #4) Beer Gut Is a Myth

Yep, the dreaded ‘beer gut’ is just a myth with no real truth. Consuming large amounts of any food or beverage will contribute to weight gain, but ‘moderate’ amounts of beer is perfectly fine and won’t manifest itself into a beer gut. If you’re currently on a diet or looking to shed a few pounds, stick with light beer varieties. Most light beers have around 100 calories, which is less than a can of soda.

Benefit #5) Bone Strength

If you still need another reason to drink beer, here’s one: it strengthens the bones. A 2009 study by researchers at Tuft University found that men and women who drank 1-2 12-ounce servings of beer per day experienced lower rates of bone fractures than people who didn’t drink beer.

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