Can Beer Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease?

heart-health-02Let’s face it, most of us drink beer simply because it tastes good. The deliciously creamy, frothy texture combined with crisp hop flavors is a stunning combination that’s sure to brighten your day. However, a recent study performed by researchers at the Harokopio University in Greece suggests that drinking moderate amounts of beer on a regular basis could lower one’s risk of cardiovascular disease.

This isn’t the first time a study has been done on the potentially beneficial effects of beer on the heart. Several previous studies have been done in the pasts revealing beer consumption to lower an individual’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease by up to 30%. This is a significant number that’s certainly worth taking note of.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the US, taking the lives of 600,000 Americans each year. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 4 deaths in the US are caused by heart disease. Therefore, reducing these numbers by 30% could potentially save thousands of lives.

This recent study performed at the Harokopio University was aimed towards identifying the reason why beer is beneficial for heart health. We’ve known for quite some time that beer consumption lowers the risk of heart disease, but the reasoning behind this was left unknown. After analyzing 17 beer-drinking participants, researchers discovered the arteries were more open after consuming beer. This was caused from both the alcohol and the antioxidants found within the beer.

“Beer acutely improves parameters of arterial function and structure, in healthy non-smokers. This benefit seems to be mediated by the additive or synergistic effects of alcohol and antioxidants and merits further investigation,” said the University’s researchers.

Antioxidants play a key role in protecting the body and its cells against the effects of oxidation damage. When harmful chemicals known as free radicals roam the body, they can cause destructive oxidation damage to otherwise healthy cells. Thankfully, antioxidants such as those found in beer work to prevent this destructive behavior from occurring.

This study isn’t groundbreaking by any means, as the medical community was already aware of the heart benefits of beer. However, this study finally links the reasoning behind beer’s health benefits. Basically, the secret lies in the alcohol and antioxidant properties of beer, both of which relax the arteries to allow for healthier blood flow. When this occurs, individuals will naturally experience reduced rates of heart disease, and that’s something we can all benefit from.

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