Quick and Easy Way To Make Moonshine

moonshine-jug-1The through of distilling your own batch of moonshine might seem like a daughnting task to some people. After all, you have to use lots of heavy pots and copper equipment to ensure its turns out just right. Making even a few small mistakes could ruin an otherwise perfect batch of moonshine. While there’s no denying the fact that moonshining is a highly technical process that’s mastered through years of practice, there are some recipes which are simple enough so that anyone can make it. Here, we’re going to reveal a quick and easy way to make delicious moonshine.

Gather Your Moonshine Ingredients

First and foremost, you’ll need to gather some basic ingredients. Pick up a large bag or cornmeal, 10 pounds of sugar and about 1/2 ounce of yeast. These items will serve as the base of your moonshine, which is also known as the “mash.” In addition to the mash ingredients, you will also need a couple large cooking pots, a pressure cooker, and a medium-length copper pipe. You probably already have some of these items laying around kitchen, but you may have to make a special trip to the store to get the rest. Each of these items are necessary to make moonshine, though, do don’t overlook any of them.

Getting To Work

Once you’ve acquired all of the items listed above, you can then get to working on your moonshine. Start by filling one of the pots with water and placing it on a high-heat stove until it boils. While the water is boiling in the pot, carefully pour in your cornmeal. Stir the cornmeal around so it doesn’t clump up in a single area and remove it from the heat.

After 8-10 minutes have passed, go ahead and add the sugar to the warm cornmeal. Now, cover and store it somewhere safe for the next few days. I know you’re eager to drink some homemade moonshine, but you have to let the mash ferment for at least 4-5 days; otherwise, it won’t possess the right amount of alcohol content.


Take your newly fermented mash and place it in the pressure cooker with a setting of 173 degrees Fahrenheit. Before turning it on, you must connect the copper pipe to the pressure cooker’s top, running it through cold water to reach a separate pot or container. The alcohol vapor traveling through the copper pipes will condense into moonshine.

Before drinking the moonshine, it’s recommended that you filter it through a cheesecloth to help remove some of the grit and impurities.

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