Yuengling Ice Cream Hits East Coast Supermarkets

Yuengling is a beer that most people along the east coast know and recognize. Originally founded in 1829 (under the name Eagle Brewery), the company touts itself as being the “America’s oldest brewery.” While the Pennsylvania-based brewery has been pumping out delicious beer for well over a century, they are now re-releasing their highly prized ice cream.

You might be surprised to learn that Yuengling ice cream isn’t a new phenomenon. The pint-sized frozen treats were actually released back in the 1920s in select supermarkets, grocery stores and convenience stores. This was due in part to the prohibition of alcohol, which sent breweries and wineries spiraling into bankruptcy literally overnight. Yuengling was able to survive the prohibition era by supporting their revenue with sales of ice cream products.

When the prohibition era ended and alcohol sales resumed, Yuengling gradually shifted their focus away from ice cream and back to the heart of the company’s origin: beer. Yuengling ice cream slowly disappeared from stores and was replaced by the company’s good old fashioned beer. In the 1990s, Yuengling brought their ice cream back into the game, and consumers responded favorably to it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t long after before they remove it yet again.


Variety of Yuengling ice cream products for sale.

The good news is that Yuengling ice cream is now back on the shelves of easy coast supermarkets and establishments. According to a statement by the company, Yuengling ice cream is currently available in Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey and Maryland. Depending on consumers’ response, Yuengling may release their ice cream products into other markets as well.

Now for the question that’s probably boggling your mind: does Yuengling ice cream taste anything like the beer? I hate to disappoint, but the ice cream isn’t available in “beer” flavors. Instead, company offers traditional flavors like vanilla, chocolate, chocolate fudge brownie, chocolate marshmallow, root beer float, chocolate chip, mint chocolate chip, etc. They’ve done an exceptional job at creating delicious ice cream flavors that most people immediately fall in love with, which is why there’s such an enormous amount of praise surrounding Yuengling ice cream.

David Yuengling, President of Yuengling Ice Cream, said the following:

One of the biggest things in putting a new product on the market is getting brand-name recognition, which is a problem we don’t have.”

Have you tried any of the Yuengling ice cream products available? Let us know your opinion in the comments section below!

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